Estimated Bills Explained

January/Februrary 2024 Estimation Impacted Area

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April bills were issued April 2. Your April bill was calculated by taking the current actual read minus the current read on the November/December bill to determine the amount owed. The amount estimated on the January/February bill is reversed on the April bill, which assures the total you owe is correct.

  • If you were underestimated, your true up bill includes the difference you owe based on actual use, and
  • If you were overestimated, you true up bill based includes a credit for the amount you were billed on the estimated bill.. 

The only charge on your bill that is based on the meter read is the water volume. Fixed charges, and charges from Clean Water Services (CWS), our billing partner who handles storm and wastewater management services, are not variable based on your meter read.  

Why was my January/February bill estimated?

TVWD was unable to physically read some customer meters the week of January 15 due to snow and ice. For these customers, their water usage was be estimated and they received their bills the last week of January or the first week of February.

Examples of bills that were estimated and how the amount due is accurate or trued-up at the next bill cycle are provided. If you have any questions about an estimated bill, please contact customer service at: 503.848-3000 or

Example A - Estimate was lower than actual water use
Example B - Estimate was higher to actual water use