Construction Schedule

Proposed Construction Schedule

TVWD and the Emery & Sons teams are still working through an exact construction schedule. 

Groundbreaking is expected between May - July, 2023. The exact time is dependent on FEMA grant funding and the project is unable to start prior to finishing the grant apprival process. 

During construction, the Taylors Ferry Reservoirs must remain operational at all times to serve water to customers. The project approach will allow the existing facility to be functional during the entirety of the construction process, with only minor local water shutdowns anticipated. Given the limitations on site, construction will require demolishing and rebuilding the reservoirs one at a time, allowing one to be in operation at all times. 

Major construction milestones

These timelines are subject to change and are only for demonstrating the process and duration of the project. 

Estimated construction timelines
Construction Milestones Completion timeline
Permitting processes 3 months
Groundbreaking, site preparation, equipment mobilization 3 months
Demolish operations buildings & Reservoir 1, excavation and piping install (start of actual construction) 3 months
Construct new Reservoir 1 & Reservoir 2 15 months
Demolish old Reservoir 2, start construction on new operations building  3 months
Operations building construction 3 months
Pump station construction 3 months